Crafting a winning EVP for your company

A winning EVP is crucial for any company who wants to retain their top performers and attract new talent for their organisation – in this blog we explore how you can shape yours!

What is an EVP?

EVP stands for Employer Value Proposition and refers to the unique set of benefits which an employee can receive in return for the skills, capabilities and experience they bring to your organisation. This can be anything from salary and healthcare right up to more intangible elements such as challenging work projects and recognition within the workplace.

How do you build your EVP?

It is likely that your organisation already has a set of EVP’s, some you may know about and others can be discovered through a combination of employee surveys, focus groups and exit interviews. When you set out to discover your existing EVP’s then you’ll need to ask the following questions to your employees:

  • Why were you attracted to our organisation?
  • Why do you think our organisation is unique?
  • What do you value most about working here?
  • What is it that makes you want to stay at our company?
  • Why did you decide to leave (if an exit interview)?

Finding the best selling points

Once you have the results you’ll be able to examine these employee perceptions against your employer brand and culture, and see exactly what it is that draws people to your company, as well as what you may need to change in the future to remain competitive. It’s important that these EVP’s are authentic, so if you scored low on your survey when asking if people thought you offered a good work-life balance you shouldn’t promote this as one of your EVP’s in things like your job adverts / career website etc. As well as being authentic you want to be unique – in the war for talent you’ll need a way to stand out from your competition, so bland EVP’s may not help you do this.

Make sure you promote it

There’s no point doing all that hard work in discovering your EVP’s if you don’t shout about it! Make sure you communicate this clearly in your job descriptions, careers website, social media campaigns, job interviews and training / induction phases at your company.


Need some extra help crafting your EVP? Get in touch with our Employer Brand Team at JobHoller on [email protected] / 01244 567 967.


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