Dan Butler is named Finalist for Recruitment Consultant of the Year Award!


One week on from hearing the fantastic news that Searchability are nominated for 4 Marketing and Digital recruitment Awards the team in our Chester HQ are still buzzing with excitement. We have been announced as finalists amongst some stiff national competition for: Best Tech Digital Team, Best Recruitment Website, Best Client Service and of course Recruitment Consultant of the Year for our very own Dan Butler! Dan has been with Searchability from the very beginning in 2012, and while we have always appreciated everything he does for our team we could not be happier that he is getting the recognition he deserves with this award nomination! We caught up with Dan to find out more about our consultant of the year!

What was it that first attracted you to IT Recruitment?

Mainly the opportunity to earn some money! I had moved to Manchester in 2010 and was working part time as a postman, supporting my then girlfriend (now wife) whilst she was a student nurse. A recruitment firm approached me about a couple of different sales roles but IT recruitment really stood out as it would give me the opportunity to learn something about a market I knew nothing about whilst also providing a good standard of living at home!

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You’ve been with Searchability from the start – how has it been seeing the company grow and change over the last 4 years?

It’s been harder than I ever thought it would be and I’ve learnt loads, both about driving change into the process of recruiting as well as providing an environment that is conducive to allowing colleagues to learn, improve and thrive as recruiters. It could have been seen as a real risky move for me to make personally at the time, but the feedback we’ve had from clients and candidates in the last 4 years has, on the whole, been superb and it’s been great fun building up a network of people who we provide a great service to and who have really seen the benefit of the approach that we take to sourcing our candidates. There’s been no regrets in taking that risk!

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What in your mind is the recipe for a great recruiter?

Somebody motivated by hitting targets, can see the benefits of long term relationships and isn’t focused on just earning a quick buck. Through being diligent and honest every day, an average recruiter can quickly build up a great deal of credibility, attracting a network of the best candidates and clients to work with – the key to being a great recruiter!


Searchability specialise in sourcing candidates through Social Media – in your opinion what is the most effective platform you use?

I don’t think that there is a silver bullet that solves all problems, but I’ve found success in growing networks across a blend of platforms (particularly Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn). I’ve combined this with an active knowledge of how developers use other more technical sites including StackOverflow and GitHub to build up a really clear picture of candidates who will stand out and have great chance of success at interview.

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What trends do you predict we will see in recruitment in 2017?

I think we will see continuing difficulties in sourcing candidates, particularly Software Developers, with no let up in demand from clients. From a company point of view though, I think that as we continue to refine our sourcing methods we will continue to grow and flourish as a business through providing these hard to find people to our clients.


How do you find balancing the notorious long hours of recruitment with a young family at home?

A very understanding wife helps! Whilst in the office it’s really important for me to be organised so that I can achieve what I need to each day. It’s all too easy to get sidetracked and lose track of time in this job so setting myself clear, realistic goals for the next day before I leave for the evening allows me to get home for bedtime more often than not, with usually just a couple of key pre-arranged calls to make in the evening once the children are settled.

productivity can reuse

What do you enjoy most about working at Searchability?

I enjoy the fact that nobody in the company is only in it for themselves. Everybody is motivated to hit their targets, placing people and earning the money that comes along with that, but not to the detriment of anybody else. In a sales environment it’s unusual to find a group of people who are all genuinely pleased when one of their colleagues succeeds and are also there to help when others are struggling.

Teamwork and team spirit

What would you say your biggest achievement in recruitment is so far?

Helping to grow a company from scratch who are constantly breaking new ground in IT recruitment, whilst also continuing to improve my own personal performance with 2016 set to be the best year of my career so far!

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If you could give one piece of advice to a new recruiter what would it be?

Listen and act upon what you are being told by more experienced recruiters when it comes to process, but don’t be afraid to try new things when it comes to action.


How would you celebrate if you won the Marketing & Digital recruitment Award for Consultant of the Year?

I’ll certainly be having a few drinks with my colleagues after the awards ceremony whether I win or lose. I’m really proud to have been shortlisted for the award and I’ll be happy to buy the first round or two to thank my colleagues who have made the last year the most enjoyable that I’ve had in recruitment! Whatever happens I’m sure a sore head will be the prize the next day!


If you’re looking for a new IT role or if you are looking for the perfect person to add to your team then why not get in touch with Dan today!


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