December Can Be A Recruitment Gift – Why You Shouldn’t Write Off The Festive Season In Recruitment


December is a time where peoples mind set often shifts focus from work to family and festivities. It’s at the time when people begin to relax that the recruitment industry needs to kick into second gear and monopolise on the opportunities handed to them. Before you consider it a write off, check out our 3 top reasons for putting in the work over the festive season.

Tight Purse Strings

With the financial pressure of Christmas, many people begin to reconsider their annual salary and start to reflect on the benefits of their current job role. If you catch a candidate at these moments with a slight salary increase they are often likely to sign a deal over night.
This one can work both ways, you may be feeling the pinch too so the incentive of a decent January bonus can help to give you the push you need to keep going!

The Gift of a Job

No-one wants to feel like they’re intruding on prospective candidates during the build-up to Christmas, but what you have to consider is the benefits you are giving them in return. What better gift can you give than an opportunity of a new career if they are unhappy in their current role?

Spare Time

With people taking time off over the festive period, they have extra time to spend on their job search. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get in contact with lots of candidates and fill roles ready for January start dates.

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