Get your on boarding on point


As a recruitment agency we often talk about how to attract talent, sell your employer brand and wow candidates  in an interview, but we don’t often talk about what comes next – starting the actual job! Now there is a good reason for this – as recruiters it isn’t really our place to dictate what happens once our candidates start with our clients – but the fact is this on boarding process will impact on retention rates, employer brand perception and even the overall business function itself! So why go to all of the effort dazzling a candidate in the recruitment phase only to let the on boarding process fall flat? Want to get your on boarding on point? Read on!

Keep in Touch

This is something we have to do in recruitment – because we know just how much can go wrong between accepting a role and the end of a candidate’s notice period! Whether it’s counter offers, friends / family making them doubt their decision or new roles appearing before them a LOT can happen to make a candidate pull out of a placement. One way to control the situation if anything does turn their head is to keep in touch during the notice period – plus it’s a way to show you value the candidate and help them settle into the company!

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Send a Welcome Pack

There are certain things you may want to send to your new employees before their first day at work such as official contracts / offer letter / employee handbook etc. By tailoring this employee experience touchpoint you can create a positive impression of your company before they even start. Some companies have been seen to send a personalised new starter gift box, with branded products, even things like a welcome bottle of champagne or personalised chocolate bar along with documents such as their contracts.



Gets their desk looking awesome

A trend has started on LinkedIn where people have put images of their new desk all set up and personalised on their first day of work – sounds pretty mundane but these images are being shared thousands of times – meaning the image of your organisation as a great place to work can be pushed out to a much wider audience than usual AND the people that see it may well be attracted to apply to you in the future!


credit: Simple Energy Glassdoor Profile

Don’t throw them in at the deep end

I’m not suggesting you babysit your new recruits – simply consider how you would feel as a brand new employee. Make sure they know key information as not everything is pointed out in an employee handbook (e.g. don’t microwave fish in the communal kitchen!). Introduce them to other members of the team and give them a tour of the office before you get started.


Don’t forget about them

Remember on boarding isn’t just the first day – it’s the first few weeks (and sometimes even months) before an employee gets properly settled with a company. Make sure you have someone who can check-in with your new hire and get honest feedback about how they’re finding the role and how they are getting on with their training etc. New employees are often the least likely to approach their boss about a ‘problem’ as they don’t necessarily have the relationship in place to do so yet therefore this gives them a safe way to speak up if they do!


Want a lift with your on boarding plan? Find out how our new Job Holler products can help!

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