How To Make This Blue Monday Less Miserable!


The third Monday of every January is said to be the most miserable day of each year. Coined ‘Blue Monday’ the theory is based on a light-hearted formula devised by Dr Cliff Arnall. However, this year’s Blue Monday is said to be the most depressing yet, with fears over Brexit and the upcoming presidency of Donald Trump.

In order to try to turn today around, we’ve come up with some positives that will help to set 2017 of to a great start!

Start A New Career

Ok, this may not happen today but making the decision to begin the search can really shift your mood. You may have returned from the Christmas break and realised that you need a new challenge, so we suggest you seize the day and start your search!

Make An Achievable Goal

After New Year many people are disheartened after breaking unachievable resolutions. Today is the day to revaluate your goals and set yourself short term, achievable targets that you can measure. So whether that’s to increase productivity at work, cut down on cigarettes or adding an extra kilometre to your run, starting small will mean that you’ll be able to celebrate your successes much sooner than you may think.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

There is nothing better for you than spending time with the people you love most. So schedule in some time with no distractions and enjoy yourself. This will have the added benefit of helping others too. Coming home an hour earlier from work may mean that you can be back for your children’s bedtime, you get the chance to see your Grandma or you can simply spend quality time with your partner.

Eat Something Good For You

We are all on tight budgets after the festive season, which often means cutting back on luxuries such as expensive food. Although saving is important, it’s crucial to ensure that you are getting the correct nutrition to make your heart and mind work for your body. Having that burst of vitamin C will give you that extra bit of energy to fuel your day.


Hannah Ryle – Employer Brand Consultant

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