Is Social Media producing better leaders?

Social Media Streams


Although both leadership and management are crucial to the success of any organization, it is important to note the distinctions between the two. To be a manager does not necessarily make you a leader and to be a leader does not necessarily make you a manager. To drive success within an organization, one must master the skills of both managing and leading, while understanding the importance of both qualities.

A manager is one who oversees the functions of a group to ensure a task or group of tasks are completed timely, efficiently, and effectively. A leader is one who empowers others to harness the skills necessary to promote future growth, while motivating them to complete tasks timely, efficiently, and effectively. In other words, while a manager focuses on tasks, operations, control, and the bottom line, a leader focuses on development, people, growth, and the future. For an organization to be successful, the development of such skills should start from the lowest level of the organization with all members striving to become leaders. In fact, some would argue that successful leadership can reduce or eliminate the need for management as a strong leader could motivate a group of individuals to be committed to a cause.

As the former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, once said, “before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”. It is that focus on growing others that distinguishes a manager from a leader and will ensure the ultimate success of an organization; a committed group of individuals willing to go the extra mile.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,  do more and become more,  you are a leader.
quote by John Adams

There are many people who say that being Socially Media active produces  better business leaders. Such leaders both understand their customers needs, and communicate with their own workforce, better. It also encourages a more open minded view of business life.

Then there are other who maintain that leaders are born and not bred

What do you think?

Quent Bendele



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