Searchability debut in The Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies List

Every year The Sunday Times and Best Companies invite organisations to take part in an anonymous employee engagement survey, to help identify which UK companies have the highest levels of employee engagement. The lists celebrate organisations with the best workplace cultures across a variety of industries, and in our first year of entering we were delighted to learn that we not only received a top-tier Best Companies accreditation for employee engagement, but that we also made the top 20 in both the “Best Small Companies to Work For” and the “Best North West Companies to Work For” too.

There are different lists according to company size including “The 25 Best Big Companies to Work For” (Companies with 2,000+ full-time employees), “The 100 Best (Mid) Companies to Work For” (Companies with 250-1,999 full-time employees) and “The 100 Best Small Companies to Work For” (Companies with 50-249 full-time employees). In 2019 we hit the 50+ full-time employee mark, making us eligible to submit an entry to measure our engagement levels, and in turn be considered for the prestigious Sunday Times List and Best Companies accreditation.

Director of People & Culture at Searchability Cheryl Holden co-ordinated the survey and said:

“The initial purpose for the Best Companies survey was to get a measure of current engagement levels, with the mindset that we would be able to create and deploy our engagement strategy with a view to implementing key changes in 2020 and measure again in the 2021 survey. We were aware that our general engagement was high, but we knew that areas such as well-being and giving something back could be improved.

The survey was issued to all employees and received a 90% response rate. When the results came through and we heard that we had been awarded with a 3-star accreditation that shows Searchability has “extra ordinary” levels of engagement it was a very proud moment!”

We were informed about our 3-star accreditation in December 2019, but Wednesday 19th February was the day our team headed down to London to see where Searchability had ranked on the prestigious Sunday Times list. Having collected a number of recruitment industry awards over the years we are no stranger to the tension of waiting to see your name announced at events like these, however the countdown announcing the position of all companies who made the list was like nothing we have experienced before! We were delighted to have made the Top 100 in our first year, but every time it dropped below a milestone of “Top 75” or “Top 50” we got that little bit more excited! To finally see our brand listed as the 18th Best Small Company to Work For was quite incredible, and testament to the work our leaders have put into building a great environment and culture.

You can see the full write up for Searchability’s achievements in the Best Companies survey here.

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