The Importance of Social Media in Your Hiring Process


Not long ago, valuable recruits used to slip through the hands of recruiters because there was no way to keep in contact. Phone Calls were unreliable, and emails rarely checked. Social media has come in to fill this void. With instant connectivity to potential hires, gone are the days of having top level talent end up at another company.

Are there more benefits social media brings to an employer?

Increasing engagement with potential candidate has many benefits. By using email auto responders and the share options of social media, a recruiter can keep candidates up to date on their application, the jobs being hired for, and even company news.

How can those I connect with help my business?

Candidates have much more to offer than just their services or labor. Their feedback can be essential to any job. With a steady supply of feedback right at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless.

Social media is the ideal medium to reach countless qualified candidates for just such insight.

How can social media find me qualified candidates?

A large talent pool of workers is essential for any company. Utilizing social media allows for the formation of talent pools to fill any need you may encounter. With millions of active users, this supply is endless.

By using the natural grouping of talent already in existence, a company can target a specific qualification to exactly the candidate that may possess it.

The rise in popularity of social media has taken the world by storm. No longer is it a toy of teenagers. By using the features available to them, businesses are now using such websites to their advantage. Any company that does not utilize such a avenue of communication and relations is seriously handicapping itself.

View full article: Use Social Networks to Give Timely Feedback to Candidates

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